
How to Start a WordPress Blog? Step by Step Guide with Zakra Theme

Are you wondering how to start a WordPress blog? But don’t know exactly how? And you have a lot of questions floating around in your head? Say no more. Because this is probably the best guide you’ll need to pull the strings together. And you know what? You just do not learn about how to[…]


How to Customize Blog Page In WordPress With Post Elements and Metadata?

Blog page consists of post elements like images, blog title, widgets, contents and meta data. Meta data includes information such as the publication date, author name, categories and tags, or even custom taxonomies. With the help of meta data it makes visitors easy to find the content that matters to them. But post elements and[…]


How to Add Custom Fonts in WordPress?

Fonts enhance the look of your site. There are many sources to find appropriate fonts for your site like Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, etc. There are various methods of adding your custom fonts on your site. You can choose anyone. Method 1: Manually Add Google Fonts in Theme’s files. First step: Create a child theme([…]

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